Wednesday 23 April 2014 Managed Sharing managed sharing involves sharing access granted by based on record ownership, the role hierarchy,and sharing rules:

Record Ownership

Each record is owned by a user or optionally a queue for custom objects, cases and leads. The record owner is automatically granted Full Access, allowing them to view, edit, transfer, share, and delete the record.

Role Hierarchy

The role hierarchy enables users above another user in the hierarchy to have the same level of access to records owned by or shared with users below. Consequently, users above a record owner in the role hierarchy are also implicitly granted Full Access to the record, though this behavior can be disabled for specific custom objects. The role hierarchy is not maintained with sharing records. Instead, role hierarchy access is derived at runtime. For more information, see “Controlling Access Using Hierarchies” in the Salesforce online help.

Sharing Rules

Sharing rules are used by administrators to automatically grant users within a given group or role access to records owned by a specific group of users. Sharing rules cannot be added to a package and cannot be used to support sharing logic for apps installed from AppExchange.

Sharing rules can be based on record ownership or other criteria. You can’t use Apex to create criteria-based sharing rules. Also, criteria-based sharing cannot be tested using Apex.

All implicit sharing added by managed sharing cannot be altered directly using the Salesforce user interface, SOAP API, or Apex.